Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I don't know what to title this.

Thing I learned at OGN:
The best conversations in life will happen inside of a bathroom at 8:15 in the morning with one person sitting on the sink and the other on the floor sitting against a bathroom stall and the window is open so there's a slight draft coming in and you're a bit cold but you don't want to leave to get more clothes because that would break the spell of the moment that isn't really magical but is at the time same just because it's so good.


Also I've decided the location of my wedding.
Because the person I marry is most likely going to be this kind of person.
It's going to be in New Jersey.
On the Kingda Ka ride.
My wife and I will get married in the front seat.
And the best man and whoever else will be behind us.
And then right as the preacher finishes and says "You may now kiss the bride" the ride will begin and I will kiss my wife as we accelerate to more than 115mph and go over 400 feet up and it will be romantic.
That's what I look like as romantic, anyway.

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